Are Collagen Supplements really that good for the skin?

Collagen Anti-aging supplement

Collagen supplements are all the rage right now. People are taking them in hopes of achieving better skin health, but how effective are collagen supplements? How many times have you heard that collagen is great for the skin? It seems like every other day, a new beauty product hits the market that promises to give us youthful, glowing skin – and collagen is always one of the main ingredients.

So what’s all the fuss about? And more importantly, how effective are collagen supplements?

How do Collagen Supplements claim to work?

Let’s start with the basics. Collagen is a protein that’s found naturally in our bodies. It’s responsible for giving our skin its bounciness (aka its elasticity and strength)! As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which results in the human skin losing its elasticity. This, in turn, causes wrinkles, fine lines, and everything that comes with aging skin. That’s why many people turn to collagen supplementation in an attempt to turn back the hands of time.

So how do collagen supplements work? Studies have shown that taking a collagen supplement can increase your body’s collagen production, specifically collagen peptides, which leads to better skin health. Besides skin health, collagen can also bring about bountiful beneficial effects - skin aging, joint repair, wound healing, healthy hair and nails, and so much more.

If you’re thinking about taking a collagen supplement, it couldn’t hurt – but don’t expect miracles. You will need to consume them consistently and for a period of time before seeing a difference.

How effective are collagen supplements for skin elasticity and hydration?

Have you tried taking oral collagen supplements? What was your experience? And if you’re looking for a quality Collagen supplement, be sure to check out our very own Total Image Collagen! It's a form of oral collagen supplementation and it's a hit with the crowd! 

Formulated with a powerful humectant, the hydrolyzed collagen traps moisture on your skin’s surface while also effectively penetrating your skin cell membrane to deliver hydration and moisture!

Here are some of the things our collagen tablets can help with:

  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines

  • Reduce sagging skin

  • Promote collagen production for radiant skin

  • Reduce dark eye circles

  • Even out textured skin

  • Increase skin hydration

And best of all, the Total Image Collagen Tablets are certified Halal by the Islamic Services of America, making them safe to consume by Muslims.

What do the people say?

"My skin becomes fair and smooth, like the product so much!" - Lynn L.

"Nice pure hydrolysed collagen for youthful-looking skin, makes my skin more youthful and healthier. Have nice and beautiful skin with Collagen" - Mei Y.

"Very good and easy to consume." - Guan J.

How effective are collagen supplements, you ask? These are just one of the many 5-stars reviews we've gotten for this product. Think we're lying? Go see for yourself.

Read Collagen: The Beauty Supplement For Glowing Skin


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